Bultman Media Group – It's Going Tibia Okay Health When The Thoracic Spine Causes Problems

When The Thoracic Spine Causes Problems

Problems with the thoracic spine (thoracic spine) are often functional, i.e. they cannot be attributed to a specific cause. A typical symptom of a so-called thoracic spine syndrome is pain between the shoulder blades, which extends over the ribcage to the front. They restrict the mobility of those affected and make breathing more difficult.

Thoracic spine: painful blockages

The special thing about the thoracic spine is that the ribs hang from its vertebral bodies. This places a great strain on the vertebrae in this area. Many small connecting hinges ensure mobility. They are not only located on the vertebrae themselves, but also connect the ribs in the form of cartilage joints to the front of the breastbone.

In order to expand the chest space when breathing, the vertebral joints must be freely movable. If one of these hinges is blocked, it can lead to a painful chain reaction: The muscle hardens – and may pull at an unfamiliar point.

Diagnosis: X-ray is of no use

The diagnosis and treatment of BWS syndrome is a domain of manual medicine, because imaging methods are of little help. First of all, it must be ruled out that the pain is not caused by a more serious cause, for example a vertebral fracture, inflammation or even a tumour or heart attack. The doctor will then manually examine the individual areas of the thoracic spine – ribs, joints, muscles and tendons – in order to differentiate the cause of the complaints and the consequences elsewhere. Experienced manual physicians can feel and dissolve the various blockages in the joints, muscles and connective tissue.

Heat and movement help with hardening

A tension of the back muscles in the area of a blockage can be felt as hardening. For example, hardening of the muscles attaching to the thoracic spine often occurs after the spine has been immobilised for a long time due to injury. An unusual strain during lifting or a strong cough can also lead to such muscle tension, but it can also disappear just as quickly. Warmth and possibly painkillers are always helpful in such a case, so that the affected person can continue to move. This is important, because the movement can often loosen the tension again – and you can’t break anything with it.

Malpositions are corrected manually

In the complex network of joints and muscles of the thoracic spine, there are a multitude of joints that can be disturbed. However, the internal organs are also connected to the thoracic spine via the connective tissue. If the cause of the complaints lies in a malposition of a rib or a joint, the doctor tries to correct them with special grips and as little effort as possible. If this is successful, the patient can overcome his posture and the improved mobility makes the discomfort disappear.

The patient is then required to actively relax the muscles, joints and connective tissue of the thoracic spine with regular stretching exercises and physical exercise.

Pain due to incorrect posture: What helps?

It took man about 100,000 years to walk through the day with his head held high and his back straight. But today most people sit, stand and walk crookedly again. This has consequences: pain in the neck, shoulders and back. Where it pinches, you usually don’t even have to say, because our posture betrays our weak points.

Stretching and mobilisation exercises as well as targeted training help

In order to overcome the incorrect posture, patients have to stretch and mobilize their shortened muscles while training the weak muscles. Rotation in the upper body and the abdominal muscles should also be trained. So that the exercises specifically target the neglected muscles and fasciae, at least the first training units should be completed under expert guidance.

After decades of neglect, the muscles must first be brought to “operating temperature” before the strength training begins. Such exercises are also suitable for prevention, for those who do not yet have it or only rarely have it in the back. Because a weak point in the posture quickly becomes more: morning stiffness, repeated lumbago, herniated discs, arthrosis of the hip and small vertebral joints.

Functional exercises are no substitute for sport

The functional exercises do not look particularly impressive for a healthier posture, but this is deceptive: During training, the patients always go to their pain or weak spot. And so all exercises are much more strenuous than they look. And they are only the basis, because sports activities are added. First endurance sports such as jogging or cycling are suitable, then muscle building with smaller weights or swimming.

Oxygen treatment for the muscles

The most important thing for a healthy, pain-free posture is first of all mobilisation, then training and as much movement as possible in all possible directions. The exercises are balm for the intervertebral discs and an oxygen cure for the muscles. By the way: Walking upright through life is not only healthier: as a rule, we are also more attractive to our fellow human beings and our mood improves.